Obayashi Foundation Research Program

This fiscal year the Foundation has launched an assisting program, “Visions of the City - Obayashi Foundation Research Program.” Based on the recommendations of our five-member selection committee, every two years an artist or a group of artists from Japan or abroad endowed with an abundance of free-ranging ideas and a strong interest in cities will be selected to examine and investigate various problems facing urban areas from a completely different perspective than that of conventional urban planning, and will then make suggestions or proposals for an innovative or ideal natures of cities, or a city that the artist would like to live in. There is no other such program that supports the activities of an artist in researching and exploring the theme of the city; in that sense, this is a unique experiment.

Since its founding in September 1998, the Foundation has not limited itself to urban engineering, urban planning, etc., but has supported experts who carry out research that contributes to urban development which will enable people to have richer and more fulfilling lives by targeting a wide range of areas related to cities and the people living in them, including the environment, the economy, history, and the arts.

Through this new support program system it is our hope that the vision of the city an artist proposes will provide new perspectives to experts active in a variety of other city-related fields and that urban studies in general will develop even further.

October 2017

Takeo Obayashi

Chairman of the Board
The Obayashi Foundation

The Selected